Las Cruces High School Class of 1965 - Latest News
08-21-2015 -
LCHS 65 Reunion Committee Agenda – Tuesday, July 21, 2015
LCHS 65 Reunion Committee Agenda
August 25, 2015
Main Street Bistro 6:00 PM
1. Status of Classmate Contacts � Sharon Alberson Erwin, Kay Petracek
2. Brunch menu update, what are we missing - Lynn Richardson
3. Decorations for Picacho Hills � Sharon Alberson, Stevie Pack
4. Update on Badges - Charlotte Winans, Rita Triviz, and Jeanne Garland
5. Registration Process â��  Open discussion
  a. Schedule of Events and Maps
  b. Duration
  c. Personnel
6. Status of Memorial Service at Veterans Park
  Eddie Gallegos, Sammy Montoya, John Pickett
7. LCHS Tour Update � Rita Triviz
8. Next Month meeting schedule
If you haven�t already sent in your payment,
we would greatly appreciate you taking a moment
to mail us a check for
$85 for one person or
$170 for a couple.
Send it to:
LCHS Reunion Class of 65
c/o Picture Frame Factory Outlet
382 S Walnut St
Las Cruces, NM 88001-8450