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Las Cruces High School Class of 1965 - Latest News

09-20-2015 - Minutes for Reunion Meeting September 15, 2015
Hello Class of '65 Bulldogs.....
September 15, 2015, we held our monthly 50th reunion planning meeting. Attendees included Kay Petracek, Sharon Erwin, Eddie Gallegos, Ralph Smith, Lynn Richardson, Frank Simpson, Jerry & Charlotte Winans.
• At last count, we have 180 registrations.  This is short of our goal of 200, and very little time to close the gap.  We urge everyone to register as soon as possible.  We extended the discount for the duration, so NO increase in price of $85 per person.
• We need more discussion on the registration process on Friday night, which we will do at the next (last) meeting.  Hopefully that meeting will be well attended. Jim Hawman graciously offered to man the registration table on Friday night; we will provide volunteers to help, since it will likely be a two person job at least for the first hour or two. Stevie Pack and Charlotte Winans have graciously volunteered to handle any registration, admittance issue on Saturday night at Picacho Hills.
• Lynn Richardson reported on the Sunday Brunch (Sunday, Oct.11 at 10:00 AM).  The brunch menu is extensive and since warming ovens are available, dishes need to be provided by 8AM to allow for warming. Also, if you are providing any other supplies, they should also be delivered prior to 8AM. Lynn met with Court Jr. High and signed the contract. They will provide one maintenance person to help us on Sunday, that person will set up the tables and chairs.  We need to discuss how many servers, etc. will need to volunteer from the ranks of the committee members. Lynn is doing an outstanding job organizing this Brunch.  We are likely expecting more than the original estimate of 75.  Thank you, Lynn.
• Sharon Erwin, Kay Petracek, Eddie Gallegos, Frank Simpson and Jeanne Garland are working on the decorations for Saturday night; they hope to finish decorations by September 26. We need to discuss transportation of the decorations at the next (last) meeting.
• Rita Triviz reported that the LCHS Tour will be on Saturday, October 10 from 1:30 to 3:00. Members of the National Honor Society will act as the tour guides.  LCHS administration did not want us to feel obligated to make a donation, since the students really enjoy these events.  We, however, chose to make a donation to the LCHS/NHS and to present the check on Saturday, October 10.  Their sponsor is Kathleen Gardner. Thanks again to Rita Triviz for perseverance and charm to get this done. The meeting location will be listed in the Schedule of Events that attendees will be receiving at registration on Friday.
• Eddie Gallegos reported on the memorial event at the Veteran’s Park at 9:30 AM, Saturday, October 10.   Eddie Gallegos is in charge and is coordinating with the City of Las Cruces. Eddie has obtained the podium and microphone/speaker system. Thank you Eddie.  John Pickett will give the invocation and there will be a wreath ceremony and a Marine Honor Guard. The service will last approximately 30 minutes, beginning at 9:30 AM on Saturday, October 10.
• The badges and the Goody Bags are all progressing and in good hands with Rita, Jim and Jerry and Charlotte Winans.  Charlotte showed us some of the items in the Goody Bags, which look great.  Included in the Goody Bags will be a Schedule of Events. The badges will be discussed at the next meeting.
• The next (last) meeting is planned for Tuesday, September 29 at 6:00 PM at the Main Street Bistro.  Since this will be the last meeting, we urge members of the committee to attend.  If you haven’t already sent in your payment, we would greatly appreciate you taking a moment to use Pay Pal on the website or mail us a check for $85 for one person or $170 for a couple.  Send it to:
LCHS Reunion Class of 65
c/o Picture Frame Factory Outlet
382 S Walnut St
Las Cruces, NM 88001-8450

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