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Las Cruces High School Class of 1965 - Latest News

03-27-2015 - LCHS Reunion Class of 1965 Planning Notes for Meeting held on March 26, 2015
The LCHS Reunion Class of 1965 Planning Meeting
March 26, 2015 held at Main Street Bistro

Those in attendance: Sharon Erwin, Charlotte & Jerry Winans, Kay Petracek, Lynn Richardson, Jeanne Garland, Barbara Camunez, Frank Simpson, Jim Hawman, John Pickett and Jim McKinney.

1. A brief financial report was given by Sharon Erwin and Jim McKinney.  An account has been opened at US Bank. At this time there is a balance of $170.00 with no expenditures. Jim also explained that classmates can pay for the reunion by either going online to our Web page where there is a link to PayPal or mailing a check to:  LCHS Reunion Class of 65, in care of Picture Frame Factory Outlet, 382 S Walnut St, Las Cruces, NM  88001-8450.

2. Charlotte gave a report about securing the band for Saturday night. They have agreed to play for $600.00. She also reported on the prices for the pins to be used in the 'goody' bags. We all preferred the pin of the Bulldog head. The cost would be approximately $1.59 each.

3. We continued our discussion, from our previous meeting, on the Sunday brunch. Lynn Richardson has volunteered to head up this effort. She has secured the Women's Improvement Association (WIA) building (across from Court Jr. High). We will have the facility from 9 -12 on Sunday,  Oct. 11, 2015.

4. Jim McKinney distributed a few lists of classmates that we have not been able to find. He is encouraging everyone to PLEASE find information on as many as we can. He will send a list of the 'missing' to everyone for whom we have email or snail mail addresses.

5. Jim & Kay will work together in sending out a newsletter to keep all known classmates updated with current information.

6. Barbara Camunez reported on some of her ideas for the Meet & Greet on Friday evening, Oct. 10, 2015, to be held at La Posta, which does not need much decorating. She would like to get as many pictures of the Las Cruces during the 1965 period as possible. These would be framed & placed around our reserved areas.

7. Thanks to all who were able to pay for their registration now.  It is a big help for us to make down payments to secure venues and pay other bills as we plan the reunion.

8. The next Planning Meeting is scheduled for April 23rd at the Main Street Bistro beginning at 6 PM.

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