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LINDA LUNSFORD - 07-05-2016
The 17th would be best for us. Sam Dino Baldon - 07-05-2016
Prefer the 10 but would make it on 17. Kudos to the reunion committee on the 50th reunion. Had a great time. You nailed it. Bill Poole - 07-05-2016
Sorry, can't make it this year. Traveling to New England area.
Thank you
Bill Poole Toni Herrell Richardson - 07-05-2016
Either date would work ok for us. Looking forward to it!! Jack Gaume - 07-05-2016
I vote for September 10 but can come on the 17th. Rita Triviz - 07-04-2016
I'd prefer the 10th Pete Horcasitas - 07-04-2016
The17th is better Mike Groves - 07-04-2016
The 17th better for me. Elsie Ramirez - 07-04-2016
Either date is good for me. Thanks 😀 John Pickett - 07-04-2016
The 10th is a little better for me. Ron Root - 07-04-2016
Either date works for me. Phala White - 07-04-2016
Either date is good for me. Dorcey Wingo - 07-04-2016
Can't make it to LC until the latter half of September, unfortunately. Speedway races! Larry Matlock - 07-03-2016
I'm free any time!!!! Janice Garrett Roseman - 07-03-2016
September 10 is best for me.
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